- Selecting a marker for chess figures.
Each player first chooses his own sign from 12 zodiac signs + 3 circles for substitutes. Each zodiac sign is made in the form of three options for inserts in case three people with one sign play the game at the same time. These inserts are secured to the center hole in each figure with a yellow retainer. Even one person can play this game, but for this, he needs to take two substitutes. Because the minimum number of players is three.
The game fields.
The game takes place simultaneously on 8 fields. Each field is assigned to a specific chakra and is colored in the color of that chakra. Each individual field contains 16 cells (4×4 cells). Each cell of the field is marked with its own number. The cells are marked with an alphanumeric code, as in classical chess. The first red field is the Muladhara chakra. The second orange field is the Svadhisthana chakra. The third yellow field is the Manipura chakra. The fourth green field is the Anahata chakra. The fifth blue field is the Vishuddha chakra. The sixth dark blue field is the Ajna chakra. The seventh field of violet color is the Sahasrara chakra. The eighth field is of gold color – the Samadhi chakra.
A number of players. The game figures.
Players take turns clockwise. Any number of players can play one game. However, the analysis of the game results depends on the number of players. The fewer players, the easier it is to succeed in the game: save all the Kings. It is recommended to play no more than 12 people at the same time. Each player plays with eight classic chess pieces: 4 Pawns and 4 senior pieces: Rook, Knight, Bishop, and King. Each player’s set of game pieces contains his individual identification mark so that they can be distinguished from the figures of other players. This sign is the zodiac sign. There can be Substitutes in the game – just like in the Bert Hellinger constellations. If the number of players is small and amounts to 1 or 2 people, then it is recommended to play the game with 2 or 1 additional set of figures. These figures can be attributed to a Substitute – a person who does not participate in the game but plays a significant role in the situation. These figures are marked with the corresponding zodiac sign, or special signs: a white circle with a black center, or a black circle with a white center. In this case, all the rules remain exactly the same, only for the Substitutes it is necessary to make moves.
The goal of the game.
This game is for cooperation between players. The goal of the game is both for each player and a common goal for all: to make sure that as many figures as possible reach the 8 chakra and not be destroyed in the process of their movement. In this case, you can play on any mental aim. For example.
1) harmonization of relations with your Higher Self;
2) harmonization of relations with a specific person or group of persons;
3) realization of one’s life purpose;
4) the realization of your innermost desire. All players can play on their individual goals and watch how their goals will manifest in the general playing field when interacting with other players.
Beginning of the game.
Before the start of the game, players mark sets of figures with their zodiac sign. Then, all players, in turn, roll two 4-sided dice. Whoever gets more points is the first to start the game.
Rules of the figures move.
1. A Pawn will be the first. A pawn moves forward one square, as in classical chess.
It strikes forward diagonally one square, as in classical chess.
In Angel Сhess, there is the concept of “a figure under attack”. It is important in the second stage of the game. The figures under attack are located diagonally from A Pawn at a distance of one square.
If a Pawn reaches the last field (the eighth chakra), it turns into any figure. The same rule applies to classical chess.
The meaning of a pawn in Angel Сhess. A pawn is a future. A pawn is in many ways analogous to a child. A pawn is the fruit of the future that will appear when you achieve your goal.
2. The next figure is an Elephant. It is also called a Bishop.
An Elephant walks and strikes diagonally. In Angel Сhess, the field is small – 4×4 squares. An Elephant can move a maximum of three squares because the edge of the field prevents him further. An elephant can only move and jump on to the forward field. But it cannot move and jump on to the field, which is behind it.
The concept of “a figure under attack” is introduced in the second part of the game. These figures under attack are located on the next squares diagonally from an Elephant. There are also the figures under attack that are on the next field in front.
The meaning of an Elephant is an honor. An Elephant is also called a Bishop. Issues of honor, truth, religion, relationship with God refer to an Elephant.
3. The next Figure is a Knight.
A knight always moves three squares, as in classical chess. A knight moves two squares forward and one square to the right or left. A knight strikes in the same way as it moves. A knight can move and strike with the transition to the field forward, it cannot walk and strike with the transition to the field back.
For a Knight, there are figures under attack that stand at the endpoints of its trajectory. For a knight, “Figures under attack” are not nearby. A knight has an important difference. It jumps over squares and figures. An Elephant (bishop), for example, passing through the figures that stand in its way, displaces them from the game. A knight does not displace the figures. It jumps over them. A knight immediately finds itself at the endpoint of its trajectory. In classical chess, a Knight jumps over squares and figures in the same way.
The meaning of a Knight in Angel Сhess. A knight never moves in a straight line, that is why it means making non-standard, complex decisions. This is a part of life that requires a non-standard approach, going beyond the established stereotypes. Thanks to a non-trivial solution, a Knight may not notice that it is surrounded by obstacles from all sides. It immediately finds itself at the endpoint of its intention.
A Knight is associated with communication, diplomacy, non-standard situations. Love also belongs to the sphere of a knight. This is a very subtle and complex feeling. Love allows you to immediately reach the endpoint, jump over many circumstances.
4. The next figure is a Rook.
It walks and strikes in a straight line, like in classical chess. A rook cannot move and strike on the field behind. The figures under attack are the figures that stand next to a Rook in a straight line.
The meaning of a Rook in Angel Сhess. A rook is like a fortress. A rook is a strength and support. Strength manifests itself as protection, a fortress. This is the foundation on which we rely on achieving a goal. This word means “a fortress” and “a money swindler”. A Rook describes all the difficult situations in our life that are associated with money. It refers to the foundation on which we rely to go further.
5. The next figure is a King.
There is a big difference here from classical chess. A King in Angel Сhess is very dynamic. It can move any number of squares. This is the only Figure that can walk and jump on to the field behind. It can go and jump on to the field forward. A king can go diagonally, then go straight, then go back. But it cannot walk to the square it has just passed. This is the only limitation for a King. A king walks by any non-intersecting path.
The figures that are on the adjacent squares to a king in a straight line and diagonally are under attack. If these squares are in the backfield, they are still under attack from a King. When a King reaches the eighth chakra, it can return to the very beginning and spawn a Pawn in the game. This is a very important point. Under certain conditions, a king has such an opportunity twice. This is the third stage of the game. We will consider it later.
Rules of the move.
Before each move, two 4-sided dice are thrown to determine the movement of the pieces. The points on die 1 determine how many fields to move forward. The points on die 2 determine how many cells to move on this field. For more details, see the move rule for each figure in the pictures below.