Hello, I am Natalya Egorova, a certified master and Ambassador of the game Angel Chess.

Most recently, our favorite game visited the Great Baikal Festival of Transformational Games, which took place in the city of Irkutsk. The festival lasted 2 days and brought together more than 20 gaming practitioners and about 200 participants.

With the help of the game Angel Chess you can talk to your angels. They will tell you what your goal is, whether this is a request that you need to work through or, perhaps, you are not going your own way at all. This game teaches you how to live your life. This game teaches harmony. I want to wish you all LOVE!

Ekaterina Kirichuk, certified game master: “This game is about love, about relationships and harmony, agreement with the universe. The game will show the scenarios you are currently going through. How do you interact: does it destroy you or fill you, is the truth yours or is it still something that you generated with your free will.”

The 4 games of Angel Chess at this festival were played by me and my partner Ekaterina Kirichuk.

Game host Ekaterina Kirichuk: “Simply amazing! The girls came to the last game with the same request, which is urgent for me too! This question: the formation of partnerships.
How it went. There were girls and each girl had her own part (a substitute for her partner in the game). They interacted with each other and each with its own part. Each other’s parts did not interact with each other AT ALL. This is simply AMAZING!”

Natalya Egorova: “The game at the festival aroused genuine interest among both gaming practitioners and players. The last game was very unusual. All game practitioners took part in it. And every time I fall more and more in love with this game.”
Ekaterina Kirichuk: “Me too. The game has huge untapped potential!”

“I’m really impressed. I didn’t plan to play and ended up at the game by accident. My friend Olya (like me as a gaming practitioner) purposefully wanted to play Angel Chess. We both don’t know how to play chess AT ALL, but we play backgammon well. The presenter, Ekaterina, also plays backgammon. This united us…
Something indescribable was happening here! I am very grateful to you Ekaterina and you Natalya! Because Olya and I went straight through our request from start to finish. We understood how to build personal relationships and personal growth, and combine it with the design of the Universe. I’m very impressed! I found my answers, thank you!”

“As a gaming practitioner, it would seem that I shouldn’t be surprised, but I’m shocked! How it works! Firstly, all the scenarios were played out here… Once again I was clearly shown what is in life. Secondly, all the thoughts in my head were lost.
Thirdly, they just hit me with a card in the forehead, LOOK! I’m sorry, what? I understood everything! Thank you Universe for helping… And here’s the most important thing: I’m constantly in control of everything. And here… I don’t know how to play chess at all. Three people tried to teach me how to play chess and said: “You are hopeless!” Sitting here at chess, I think how am I going to move? Katya started walking for me. I have this – I don’t understand, I have to control everything! And then I think, it’s Katya who is associated with the World. Roughly speaking, the World will lead me in the best way! Then Natasha sat down, showing that the Universe will spend all the resources it has if you trust it and just take the steps that are shown to you! It’s just POOF!”

Natalya Egorova: “Don’t be afraid to play transformation games. Change. Angel Chess is a game that everyone can play. The main thing is to find your leader.”
Our contacts:
Egorova Natalya (tel. 89641021524)
@detiindigo33 @doc.egorova.vnl @michaelstudio.vnl
Kirichuk Ekaterina (tel. 89148795943)
@katyfka89 — Telegram, Instagram
We will be glad to play Angel Chess with you online!